Compare other products against Subathon Tool Extended

We did the work of researching the features that every different product offers, so that you don't have to. We've summarised the differences in the table below.


Subathon Tool

Subathon Timer

Subathon Evolved


Dynamic Countdown timer
Add time for subs and bits through Twitch
Add time for tips through Streamlabs
Add time for tips through StreamElements
Add time for completing Creator Goals on Twitch

Customer Support

Community Discord support
Email support
Twitter support channel
Extensive Documentation on all the things
Automatic Status page to show any outages near-instantly


Malicious Link Protection
At-rest encryption on all your data


Regular updates and bugfixes
Multiple update channels to choose how often you
receive updates, or opt-into early releases
Insight into release schedules for issues/features via
the Issue Tracker

Frequently asked questions, answered.

More questions? Visit the Help Center.

How often can I expect updates for Subathon Tool Extended?

This depends on a variety of factors, including how big of a task the features planned for the next release are, and real-life circumstances (I'm also working 45 hours a week full-time alongside this project!) - I'm aiming to release new features at least monthly, with bug fixes in between.

You can check out the issue tracker to see which new features are planned, and when it's expected to release: Issue Tracker

How do the updates work?

Major and minor updates are being worked on alongside each other, meaning that large tasks - like adding new features - won't impact bugfixes, which are released in the minor updates.
The versioning system is as follows: {year}.{major_version}.{minor_version}. The major version increases by 1 for each new feature release, while the minor version is based on the number of days since the last major version released.

For example, 2021.0.500 becomes 2021.1.1 when a major feature is released, while bugfixes, if released the following week, will increment it from 2021.1.1 to 2021.1.8

Why is it a desktop app instead of a website?

As a desktop app, we can give you more control as a streamer. All of your countdowns and Subathon values are stored in individual text files in your documents folder, meaning you can display these however you'd like in OBS. It also gives more control over updates and feature releases. Also, I find WPF interfaces are much nicer to design than HTML ;-)